Skountridaki L, Zschomler D, Marks A & Mallett O (2020) Organisational support for the work-life balance of home-based workers. Work-Life Balance Bulletin: A DOP Publication. Volume 4, No. 2

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Mallett O, Marks A & Skountridaki L (2020) Where does work belong anymore? The implications of intensive homebased working. Gender in Management: An International Journal.

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Purpose: The purpose of this ‘thought piece’ is to consider the everyday realities of homebased working and the implications for work during a global pandemic and beyond. Approach: We present a conceptual framework for considering the domestic sphere as a social space and apply this framework to consider the existing evidence base on homebased working. In particular, we consider the implications of homebased working during and after the COVID-19 pandemic in terms of gender. Findings: We identify key challenges in relation to flexibility, work intensification and socio-economic differences. Consideration of these areas highlights the potential pitfalls and challenges that are likely to persist as many organisations begin to plan for an increase in homebased working. Originality: We argue that some commentators have been too quick to celebrate the apparent successes of the sudden, unplanned move to intensive homebased working. Important differences in occupation, gender and other socio-economic factors will have important implications for the experience of homebased working for many workers and their co-residents.

Conference presentations

Skountridaki L, Marks A & Mallett O (2021) “Wellbeing, Work-Life Balance and the Quality of Working Life in the New World of Hybrid work” BSA Work, Employment and Society Conference, August 2021, virtual conference ‘Connectedness, activism and dignity at work
in a precarious era’ (pp.25)

Marks A, Skountridaki L, Mallett O, Zschomler D (2021), A year of working from home – What has homeworking under COVID-19 measures taught us about the (over) burdening of workers? 39th International Labour Process Conference, ‘Security in Work? The workplace after COVID-19’, University of Greenwich, 12-14 April 2021 (Virtual conference)

Skountridaki L, Mallett O, Marks A, Zschomler D (2021) The hidden cost of work, 70th Annual Conference, the British Sociological Association, ‘Remaking the Future, 13-15 April 2021 (Virtual conference)